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Chartered in 2012, Knights of Columbus Council 15447 at St. Mark Church in Lancaster, Ohio.

It was formed to offer assistance to parish members, their families, and our community at large. Now, with the closing of St. Mark Parish most of our membership has been absorbed by the Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption in Lancaster, while others into other local parishes. We continue to serve the Catholic Community of Lancaster and Fairfield County.

​From the moment of our founding charter in 2012, charity has been the first principle of our council. We are men of faith and men of action.​ We undertake these acts of charity because we see those in need through the eyes of faith.​​


Moreover, we approach these acts of charity together. His Holiness the late Pope Benedict XVI called this the “practice of a community.” We donate time and effort to help those in need. Either through fund raising or serving our community breakfast; we do it together side by side. ​

Make A Difference WITH US.

If you are a practical Catholic man, age 18 or older, we welcome you to join the leading organization of Catholic laymen. Come see what we are all about and take the first steps to enhance your personal life. Applicants should apply to their local council parish or if one does not exist please contact us for help.


Our goal as a council is to succeed more than the previous year. As we find unique ways to meet that cause, we invite you to help us meet that goal. Together in faith we can change lives. Please reach us on the Contact page.

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